Friday 13 July 2012

Rendering repairs, North Hereford

Repairs to rendering on a Manor House, North Hereford. Spring/Summer 2012

The aim of the project was restore the front of the house to its former glory without losing the character that it had acquired since it was last renovated in 1890. All work was carried out in hydraulic lime mortar and the whole thing was painted with limewash, slightly coloured with yellow ochre and stone green.

A view from the side as work started

Typical details showing general condition of the rendering and mouldings before work began

 Old render hacked off to reveal rubble wall behind

 Empty running-mould ready to cast the first decorative window surround

First successful cast!

The new mouldings fitted in place

A sequence showing work progressing on the front elevation:

Old lose render removed


Lime scratch coat applied
Finished lime top coat
Limewash applied in three coats 

The finished work

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